Monday, January 17, 2011

Gotta Get Better

I really have to get better at this!  This week I'll share my 2nd layout for my 365 project.  I'm making it easier on myself this year by using the same template each month and creating a png file for the name of the month.  That should take from my anxiety on Saturday mornings when I usually sit down to finish my layout for the week.  So here is week 2.

This Friday we will see the my granddaughter for the last time through the lens of a sonogram.  Sonya will be 36 weeks and this is the last of the sonograms unless there is a need for additional ones.  I can't wait to see how much bigger our little peanut is.  Here is her first, second, and last sonograms.
I can't figure out how to turn this one around!! She is just BEAUTIFUL!!

Until next time...Anna

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm Back!

I am doing the 365 Project but, as I did in 2010, I'll make one page per week so it's really a 52 Project.  Here is week 1!!

Credits: sysm-template 112, gdscollab-January 2011


I haven't yet decided what I want to blog about but I do know that I want to blog.  I guess at this point it doesn't matter since I haven't shared this blog with anyone but Neal....and he knows what I'm doing all the time!  The other decision that I have not made is what I want to do with my photography hobby.  I love my camera and I can't wait until my princess Gabi Jo is born (her mom thinks it's funny that I want to call her that) so I can take great pictures of her, but I also like taking pictures of nature.  Today I will share the pictures I took yesterday at Southpark Meadows.  Such a pretty little place....note to self, "take Gabi Jo to SPM when she is old enough". 

Very interesting natural rock used to build this wall

I read a little tutorial on taking silhouette pictures so I had to try it out.

I used a different focal point on this picture and the one below.  See the difference?

All of these pics are right from my camera.  I haven't gotten into the processing part of photography.  I guess that will be next. 

Until next time....Anna