Sunday, May 20, 2012

Changing My Focus

Well, I've got 8 more day until students and staff are gone then it's just me until I'm packed and RETIRED!  Super excited.  All the more reason to continue learning about my camera and how to process pictures.  In the last couple of weeks I've seen a difference in the pictures SOOC that I've taken.  I'm also still trying to figure out how to display and how to get files to the people that have so graciously allowed me to use them as models.

Today I decided to turn the camera to my beautiful daughter.  Since Gabriella was born, my daughter has not been the focus of my camera so I really wanted some pictures of her.  And of course, when I point the camera at Gabi, she turns around but since the camera was turned towards her mother, she wanted some of the action.  Here is what I've taken today.

Until next time,
xoxo Anna

Sunday, May 13, 2012

It's Mother's Day so happy Mother's Day to all.  It was a great day spent with family and dear friends. 

I've been keeping busy with my photography lately.  I am moving towards being comfortable calling myself "professional" but really, I think I'm just a professional learner.  With each photo shoot, I learn so very much.  Right now, Lightroom is my focus.  I've learned a lot but have so many questions with each session that I process.  I'm very lucky to have a great network of friends on Facebook that I can question and they don't get tired of answering my questions. 

The last shoots have been senior shoots.  I think this is where I'm going to call my comfort zone with a few items to consider....
  • 1-2 seniors is best...I get clearer pictures and working on perfecting the entire picture is easier.  A big group is harder to do.  
  • Backdrops...OMG!  
  • I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that.  NIK, Portraiture, or Portrait Professional???
  • Monitor calibration...gotta do this.
  • Do I upgrade to a full frame?  I so want the new 5D Mark III but I'm so far from professional.  Do I spend that much on a serious hobby?
  • Lenses!!  Love the 2 new ones I just bought but what else?
So here are a couple of senior shots of my niece.

Until next time,
xoxo Anna